Chancellor Search Process and Timeline

This is the typical process and timeline for chancellor searches. Details are subject to change.

Semester Action
SUMMER 2024 Chancellor Greenstein announced he will complete his service as chancellor in October 2024.
SUMMER 2024 Search committee formed.
FALL 2024 Search consultant secured.
FALL 2024 Gather input from students, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, elected leaders, and other stakeholders; check this website for opportunities to provide input.
FALL 2024 Develop a Leadership Profile based on that input to use for recruiting candidates; the document will be posted on this website.
FALL 2024 Begin national recruitment; nomination/application information will be posted on this website.
WINTER 2025 Search committee chooses first-round candidates.
SPRING 2025 Search committee chooses second-round candidates for meetings with students, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, elected leaders, and other stakeholders.
SPRING 2025 Board of Governors interviews candidates and makes a selection.
SPRING 2025 Board of Governors appoints chancellor in a public meeting.
SUMMER 2025 New chancellor begins.

