State System students and graduates have powerful stories. Consider sharing yours on video to help illustrate why you care about increased state support for the State System and inspire legislators to do the same. 

 Video Testimonial Tips

To share your story effectively, consider these tips: 
  • Introduce yourself with a few details, including your name.
  • Describe your challenges in choosing a college or university. Did you have to choose a university based on its affordability? Did you want to attend college, but you didn’t know how to afford it?
  • Share why you attend/ed a State System university.
  • Discuss how your choice to attend a State System university has affected you. How is it preparing you for professional and personal success?
  • Explain that your story is just one example of the importance of thriving State System universities.
  • Pivot to a legislative ask—increased state support. By investing in the State System, the General Assembly can multiply the impact of a high-quality, affordable public higher education.

Remember to keep it brief—two minutes or less! Post to social media, tag @statesystem or email your testimonial to