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Systemwide Campus Climate Survey Dashboard
This dashboard provides results from the inaugural Systemwide Campus Climate Survey administered January 31 to March 4, 2022.

This dashboard provides persistence rates for students entering State System universities in Pennsylvania.

This dashboard provides graduation rates for students entering a State System university in Pennsylvania.

Enrollment Census - Fall Preliminary *
Fall 2004 through Fall 2024 student headcount enrollment, preliminary data.
* Requires Microsoft Excel to view.

Enrollment Trends - Fall Preliminary *
Fall 2004 through Fall 2024 student headcount enrollment trends, preliminary data.
* Requires Microsoft Excel to view.

Provides information about degrees and awards earned at State System Universities in Pennsylvania.

PASSHE enrollment, completions, alumni, and employees by county, legislative district, and workforce regions.

High School Graduate Yield Rate
State System yield rate of Pennsylvania public high school graduates, as well as county population statistics.

High School Graduation Projections
Projections of Pennsylvania public high school graduates by county.

Post-Secondary Institutions in PA
All Pennsylvania post-secondary institutions in the IPEDS Fall 2017 data set, with a 50-mile radius around each PASSHE university.