The Office of System Labor Relations provides collective bargaining support through the bargaining process, as well as ongoing support to universities for the implementation of the collective bargaining agreements and nonrepresented employee relations.
Employee Groups
Below is a listing of State System employee groups. Although this page provides information regarding State System employees, each university also has their own website that provides specific information about the university and campus.

These employees typically perform work in the clerical field, accounting, maintenance and trades, grounds keeping, custodial, and information technology.

These employees hold positions as full and part-time teaching faculty, department chairpersons, librarians, athletic trainers and faculty members whose basic responsibilities lie outside of the classroom setting.
These employees hold professional and managerial positions such as accountants, bursars, registrars, human resource generalists, maintenance managers, information technology specialists and academic deans.

These employees typically hold professional positions working in admissions, financial aid, residence life, registrar, or career services.

These employees hold positions as non-faculty athletic coaches.

These employees hold professional positions working as a police or security supervisor.

These employees hold professional positions working as patrol officers, police specialists, or security officers.

These employees typically hold university registered nurse; university certified registered nurse practitioner; or university registered nurse supervisory positions.

These employees typically hold positions such as social worker, drug and alcohol treatment specialist supervisor, juvenile court consultant, or licensed occupational therapists.
These employees hold positions as physicians at the University health centers.