Dr. Conchita Hernandez Legorreta (@Conchitahdz)

Conchita has been published in Future Reflections and Rooted in Rights. Conchita keeps
up with research in special education and serves as a peer reviewer on the Journal
of Blindness Innovation and Research. Conchita conducts workshops on best practices
for educators and professionals in the field of disability and advocacy in the United
States and internationally. Conchita worked in the rehabilitation field in Nebraska
where she set up innovative programming for disabled adults. Conchita is the founder
and Chair of METAS (Mentoring Engaging and Teaching All Students) a non-profit organization
that trains educators in Latin America that work with blind/low vision students and
other disabilities. In this role she engages lawmakers in policy discussions around
people with disabilities and inclusion. Conchita is also a co-founder of the National
Coalition of Latinx with Disabilities that seeks to amplify the voices of disabled
Latinx in the disability rights movement. Currently, Conchita works as the Maryland
Blind and Low Vision Specialist. Conchita strives to be a voice for change for educators,
professionals and advocates to make full inclusion a reality for people with disabilities
in Latin America.
Heather McGhee (@hmcghee)

Heather is an educator, serving currently as a Visiting Lecturer in Urban Studies
at the City University of New York’s School of Labor and Urban Studies. She has also
held visiting positions at Yale University’s Brady-Johnson Grand Strategy Program
and the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. She is the recipient of honorary
degrees from Muhlenberg College, Niagara University, and CUNY Graduate School of Public
Health & Health Policy.
For nearly two decades, Heather helped build the non-partisan "think and do" tank
Demos, serving four years as president. Under McGhee’s leadership, Demos moved their
original idea for “debt-free college” into the center of the 2016 presidential debate,
argued before the Supreme Court to protect voting rights in January 2018, helped win
pro-voter reforms in five states over two years, provided expert testimony to Congressional
committees, including a Supreme Court confirmation hearing in 2017, and led the research
campaigns behind successful wage increases for low-paid workers on federal contracts,
as well as at McDonalds, Walmart and other chain retailers.
As an executive, McGhee transformed Demos on multiple levels. She led a successful
strategic planning and rebranding process. She designed a Racial Equity Organizational
Transformation which led to an increase in staff racial diversity (from 27 percent
people of color to 60 percent in four years), an original racial equity curriculum
for staff professional development and a complete overhaul of the organization’s research,
litigation and campaign strategies using a racial equity lens. McGhee also nearly
doubled the organizational budget in four years. A strong coalition-builder and trusted
cross-movement leader, McGhee deepened Demos’ influence through new networks and collaborations
inside and outside the Beltway.
An influential voice in the media and a former NBC contributor, McGhee regularly appears
on NBC’s Meet the Press and MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Deadline White House and All In.
Her 2020 TED talk is entitled “Racism Has a Cost for Everyone”. She has shared her
opinions, writing and research in numerous outlets, including the Washington Post,
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Politico and National Public Radio.
McGhee’s conversation on a C-SPAN program in 2016 with a white man who asked for her
help to overcome his racial prejudice went viral, receiving more than 10 million views
and sparking wide media coverage that included a New York Times op-ed, a New Yorker
piece and a CNN town hall. In spring 2018, Starbucks founder Howard Schultz asked
McGhee to advise the company as it designed an anti-bias training for 250,000 employees
in the wake of the unjust arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia store. McGhee
wrote a report with recommendations for how Starbucks can apply a racial equity lens
to their businesses, and how other companies both large and small can benefit from
doing the same.
McGhee also played a leadership role in steering the historic Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and was one of the key advocates credited for
the adoption of the Volcker Rule.
She holds a B.A. in American Studies from Yale University and a J.D. from the University
of California at Berkeley School of Law. McGhee is the chair of the board of Color
Of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, and also serves
on the boards of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Open Society Foundations’ US Programs
and Demos.
Dr. Jonathan Metzl

The former Guggenheim fellow’s recent book, Dying of Whiteness, is filled with interviews
with real, everyday Americans, and demonstrates the need for cooperation and diversity
in a divided country. The book makes the case that many Americans vote against their
own interests out of fear or ignorance, and this leads them to have worse health outcomes
and quality of life. Public Books says that “Metzl’s shocking conclusions keep ringing
in your head long after you put his book down.” Alondra Nelson of Columbia University
and the Social Science Research Council calls his writing “pathbreaking, provocative,
empathetic, and poignant.”
Metzl is the Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Psychiatry, and
the director of the Department of Medicine, Health, and Society at Vanderbilt University.
He is the winner of the 2020 APA Benjamin Rush Award for Scholarship, and has written
extensively for the New York Times, Washington Post, VICE, Politico, and other major
publications about the most urgent hot-button issues facing America and the world.
He is a frequent media commentator on issues of public health and gun violence who
has appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, C-SPAN, CNN, AM Joy, PBS’s Amanpour & Co., HBO’s
Real Time with Bill Maher, and many more.
Jacob Mchangama