Consortium Procurement and Consortium Services
NOTE: These two task groups are grouped together because they are closely related. These tasks will be handled sequentially—once the first one is completed, the other will begin.
Leveraging university strengths requires the development and implementation of the most effective academic/business models at each university to prepare students for success and meet the Commonwealth’s economic/workforce needs. Expanding collaboration between and among universities through shared academic programming, student services, and administrative services is essential to fulfilling this priority.
- Develop a collaborative approach to strategic sourcing and procurement. (Phase 1)
2. Develop regional/multiuniversity approaches to facilitate collaborative academic programming, student services, and other administrative services. (Phase 2)
The task groups have the authority to confer with any System and/or university personnel, as well as to consult with outside experts whom they deem helpful to the charge. The task group will first develop a collaborative solution for procurement, then determine its own outline of actions to accomplish the remaining charge. As the task group moves into other collaborative/consortial services and programming, the membership will be reconfigured to include functional experts, as appropriate. The Office of the Chancellor will provide support as required by the task groups, including content experts.
Deliverables for Phase 1:
- Recommend a System collaborative approach for administering the procurement and strategic sourcing functions.
- Recommend policies and/or procedures/standards in support of the proposed approach.
- Procurements of priority System-wide strategic sourcing to be conducted by June 30, 2018.
Timeline for Phase 1:
By March 31, 2018, the Consortium Procurement Task Group will recommend a System-wide approach for procurement; by June 30, 2018, the Consortium Services Task Group will identify other areas for regional/System-wide approach.