Student Success Task Group



To recommend to the Board for consideration two or more student success measurement frameworks to guide the establishment of System goals, university strategies, and associated resourcing plans. The adopted measurement framework will also inform development of a methodology for allocating the state appropriation and the accountability framework that will be used to evaluate individual and institutional performance and ensure and support continuous improvement.  
For each measurement framework that is proposed, the task group will recommend a core set of measures around which the System should set goals, identify strengths and potential weaknesses of the framework and the goal setting recommendations, as well as any implications with respect to how adoption of the framework and goals will inform how we think about the System’s role, its governance, strategies, and resource planning approaches, etc. 

In developing recommendations, the task group will: 

  • Review the System’s data resources and capabilities.
  • Review and consider emerging best practices in higher education.
  • Recommend measures that enable the System to gather and report on university and System progress in a consistent way, while providing each university the flexibility needed to chart the course that best suits the needs of its students and the community it serves. 
  • Recommend measures around which the System ought to set goals.
  • Consider the measures—at both the university and System levels—as an opportunity to guide and report on ongoing strategic discussions about student success, such as: who are our students? who ought they be? what is meant by “student success”? what level of success is expected of students? how do we support them in achieving success? 
  • Adopt a disaggregated approach that recommends data be collected for specific student groups (e.g. at different income levels, by race/ethnicity, etc.), enabling us to understand and enhance support for the success of all students.



Draft recommendations for public review in December 2018; report out to Board of Governors in January 2019

Task Group Materials:

Materials used by the task group will be updated periodically throughout the process:


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