Shippensburg University

1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Dr. Charles Patterson

Moses Kimitho, Mechanical Engineering
Moses Kimotho is getting the hands-on experience to succeed with Burnside America
in Franklin County, the leading manufacturer of custom hydraulic cylinders.
Kimotho, an aircraft system craftsman in the Air National Guard, knew he wanted an
internship. He found the perfect opportunity when he met Angi Morrissey ’03 and Tony
Morrissey ’21M at Shippensburg University’s job and internship fair.
Through various projects, Kimotho gained valuable technical and problem-solving skills,
especially in CNC machining. This allows for the high-speed creation of parts by using
a robot controlled by written code to cut and shape parts.
“It has let the creative side of my brain run wild when we are tasked with designing
parts and fixtures,”
explained Kimotho.
Angi Morrissey added, “Having the opportunity to experience real-world scenarios in
a learning environment allows for growth and development in so many ways. As the employer,
we provide that opportunity while benefiting from the insight of these well-rounded
Ship students.”
Points of Pride
Points of Pride
Points of Pride
Points of Pride
Points of Pride
Points of Pride
One of only five in Pennsylvania, Ship's Peace Corps Prep Program prepares students for international development careers and Peace Corps service.
The School of Engineering offers computer science and computer, software, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering. Students work in state-of-the-art lab facilities, working as engineers from the very beginning.
Located on campus, GBLUES is the only public laboratory elementary school in the state. Here students get hands-on experience in the classroom as they prepare to become future educators.
The Fashion Archives and Museum is home to a 15,000-item collection that is open to the public and provides unique hands-on learning opportunities for students.
Real stock trading room with Bloomberg Terminal. Students manage $250,000 in funds that build a base for scholarships for business students.
Notable Alumni
Notable Alumni
Notable Alumni
Notable Alumni
Notable Alumni
Notable Alumni
Dean Koontz '67 - World-wide, best-selling author
Cindy Adams Dunn '80 - Dunn was appointed by Governor Tom Wolf to be the sixth secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Dunn was confirmed as secretary in 2015.
Michele Buck '82 - Buck is the first female CEO in The Hershey Company’s 124-year history, and one of only 32 women CEOs running Fortune 500 companies.
Besty Hamm '01-05M - Hamm helped take Duck Donuts from a beachside donut shop to a the fastest growing donut shop in the country with 215 locations in 24 states.
General Tommy Franks '85M - Four-star General and assigned as Commander-in-Chief, United States Central Command. Franks led American and Coalition troops in two strategically unprecedented campaigns in two years – Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq.
University Rankings
University Rankings
University Rankings
University Rankings
University Rankings
University Rankings
Best College List - Regional University North
Best College List - Regional University North
Top Public Schools- Regional University North
U.S. News & World Report
6 Top Ranked Programs
Best Business Schools
Princeton Review
Best Online MBA
FORTUNE Magazine