Offices of Human Resources, Employee Benefits, and Labor Relations provide support
to the universities and the Office of the Chancellor. The offices are responsible
for processing and distributing pay, providing human resources consulting and SAP
services to university staff. They manage compliance with benefits, human resources,
and payroll requirements by analyzing, reviewing, and remaining current with IRS tax
regulations and reporting requirements; the Fair Labor Standards Act; federal and
state laws; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Management Directives, Executive Orders,
and Administrative Circulars; collective bargaining agreements, side letters, and
arbitration; and Human Capital Management compliance, System policies, procedures,
and standards.
The State System provides a comprehensive employee benefits program, enabling the organization to attract, recruit, and retain the highest quality faculty
and staff. Our employee benefit plans are a significant part of total compensation,
and include health, retirement, income protection, and other supplemental benefit
The Office of System Labor Relations provides collective bargaining support through the bargaining process, as well as ongoing support to universities for the implementation of the collective bargaining agreements and nonrepresented employee relations.
The Office of System Labor Relations provides collective bargaining support through the bargaining process, as well as ongoing support to universities for the implementation of the collective bargaining agreements and nonrepresented employee relations.
For employees who still access the older secure site: