The International Educators Network (IEN) membership consists of international educators from all State System Universities. IEN was established to identify, develop, and expand beneficial international relationships that contribute to the enhancement of the State System’s global profile and the international expertise and activities of the Commonwealth’s publicly owned universities. 

The IEN serves to maximize existing resources and to minimize duplication through cooperation in the areas of education abroad, international education leadership, international enrollment management, international student and scholar services, learning and scholarship. 

The IEN has the responsibility to coordinate and implement the inter-institutional agreement for pooled access to education abroad programs. The IEN meets regularly at which issues of mutual interest related to international education are addressed.

International Educators Network

IEN supports the internationalization of the Commonwealth’s publicly owned Universities by:

  • Creating opportunities for members of the State System’s university campuses and their local communities to develop global consciousness, knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Coordinating a system of pooled access to education abroad opportunities for Pennsylvania post-secondary students.
  • Establishing and strengthening partnerships between education, government, and commerce within the commonwealth, and around the world. Providing a forum for international education professionals to meet, network, develop new skills, and exchange ideas.
  • Acting as an advocate for international education at the System, state, and national levels.

Pennsylvania students, faculty and staff can gain the international knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to effectively live and work in the global economy through participation in international education programs. The presence and participation of international students in Pennsylvania classrooms each year enhances the educational experience of all students and contributes to the social and economic development of Pennsylvania communities. 

Through collaborative internationalization efforts (e.g. sharing information, expertise and opportunities), Pennsylvania institutions are able to undertake a wider range of global initiatives in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

IEN Contacts:

Mary Burnett, Co-Chair, Shippensburg University –

John Gradel, Co-Chair, Commonwealth University, Lock Haven –